lördag 16 januari 2021

Night Fight

 Not all battles are fought in the open during the light of day, in fact with armies such as the Undead, Night Goblins, Chaos & Skaven I do wonder why Games Workshop never released some official rules for fighting in the dark....

Anyways I made up some rules for fighting in the dark for our campaign, our group were satisfied with how they work so I decided to put them up here as well.

Night fight:

Maximum range of all shooting, spells & charges is 24”.

All ballistic skill-based shooting has an additional -1 to hit.

All psychology tests such as fear, panic, terror etc etc is taken with a -1 LD penalty.

March moves add 50% to the movement rather than double it ( a M4 unit marches 6” instead of 8”).

Fleeing troops add +1 to their flee roll, eg a 2D6 roll becomes 2D6+1.

Any cavalry unit has +1 Combat resolution on the turn they charge vs infantry.

Dwarfs, Night goblins, Skaven, Undead & daemons are immune to the rules above.


Any unit may buy torches at 1 point per model, torches allow a unit to still double their move when marching, they can be used as an additional handweapon during the first turn of a combat, in which case they count as being flaming attacks. However due to the fact that the unit can be seen quite clearly against the night, any unit on the battlefield may target them with shooting and spells even if they are further than 24" away (as long as their normal maximum range would allow it of course) they may do so without suffering the additional -1 to hit because of darkness.

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